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This is a video Art project that centres around states of being on a daily basis. 


This is a video art piece that I did for an exhibition at an annual festival - ArtIsterium 2016 "Kill the Buddha"


Everyday I find myself in realities where the only reaction, which is justified and desired, from my side is agreeing - “okay.” The attractiveness of this type of an answer is part of a reality where my opinion and approach toward something or someone is irrelevant, while his, her, its, other people’s, or yours is.

This reaction of mine performs a function of a mirror, which has turned out to be a well explored tool for personal preservation.

Words Like Shadows

A video art piece about self reflection. 

Experimenting with Lights

These two video art videos are experimental in nature. They explore effects that the motion of the camera and change of shutter speed create while shooting lamps 

Video Art

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